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Asking Eric: I can’t believe they waited a day to check on us after the hurricane
How did I raise such uncaring children?
Harriette Cole: Oh, your boat dock? Yeah, our kid broke that.
Our houseguests didn't bother to inform us of the damage.
Miss Manners: My neighbor denies Halloween candy to those she deems outsiders
She says they're moochers, and she wants to see proof of address.
Dear Abby: I was flabbergasted when the guests tore apart the centerpieces
Their juvenile antics created more work for us.
Jill On Money: Yes, everybody needs a will
It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, an opportunity for me to goad/guilt you into addressing this tough to embrace, but necessary task. Before you say, “that’s just for rich people,” remember that we all have possessions — they may not have huge monetary value, but they are still meaningful. We also have opinions about managing our []