What’s closed for Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11, in the Los Angeles area

Find out what government offices and other services will be closed (or not) on Nov. 11, Veterans Day.

What’s closed for Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11, in the Los Angeles area + ' Main Photo'

Veteran Kent Peterson waves a flag and wears a shirt that says Proud to have served at the Veterans Day parade. on Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023 in Redlands, CA. (Photo by Angel Pena, Contributing Photographer)

Government offices — Los Angeles city and county, national and state — are normally closed for a federal holiday such as Veterans Day.

In addition to those offices, Los Angeles Unified School District schools are closed on Monday for Veterans Day. achieve.lausd.net/calendar. Instructional school calendar 2024-2025: tinyurl.com/39mvzush

Here is a sampling of other services that are closed or that are on a regular schedule on Nov. 11

Banks: Closed. New York Stock Exchange markets are open (www.nyse.com/markets/hours-calendars).

Courts: Closed. Los Angeles County Superior Courts 2024 schedule, www.lacourt.org/holiday/ui/index.aspx

Libraries: Los Angeles Public Library locations are closed. www.lapl.org/holiday-closures

Los Angeles County Library locations are closed. lacountylibrary.org

Mail: The U.S. Postal Service does not deliver regular mail, and post offices are closed. www.usps.com/holiday/holiday-schedule.htm

Transit: Metro buses and subway services in Los Angeles run on a regular schedule (www.metro.net). For holiday schedules for the remainder of 2024, check the Saturday, Sunday and Holidays schedule section for the route you need; for example, the G Line: tinyurl.com/5vx8ky59

Metrolink trains run on a regular schedule. www.metrolinktrains.com. Metrolinks holiday schedule for the remainder of 2024: tinyurl.com/2ne5z5vf

Trash: Pickup schedule for Los Angeles Sanitation and Environment customers is on a regular schedule. 800-773-2489. Also, on the website under the section What We Do, click on Collection, and then click on Holiday Trash Collection: www.lacitysan.org. In addition, see the LA Sanitation and Environment 2024 Service Calendar: tinyurl.com/3k4b3ejv

Pickup is on a regular schedule in Burbank. 818-238-3800. www.burbankca.gov/web/public-works/trash-faqs